Nifty Gangsta

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

ironically divine.

so sunday night was a big deal in hungary. august 20th marks the founding of the hungarian state some 8600 years ago or something. the government always marks the occasion with a big to-do of things; red bull planes fly around all crazy-like, under bridges and whatnot. the evening is marked by the setting off of a lot of fireworks.

this year the festivities didn't exactly go to plan. the day was beautiful - bright, sunny, perfect temperture. as 9:00 drew near the sky started flashing in ways that makes you think "someone's bout to get electrocuted." the fireworks were shot off from one of the bridges crossing the danube, but as soon as the display began the wind started to pick up. after three minutes or so the wind was really ripping, according to a news report at gusts of around 90mph. people, well, freaked. rain was coming down in katrina-escque portions which sent the 1.5 million views running for cover. trees started falling, people were diving for cover, screaming at the top of their lungs out of both fear and the immense pain caused by the rain hitting your face at close to 100mph. i stood in the midst of the ruckus, soaked to the underwear, and had to laugh.

it seemed hysterical to me that the indepence day festivities of hungary were marred by a horrible storm that killed at least 5 people, and has injured who knows how many more.


Blogger ElChulo said...


6:30 AM  
Blogger ElChulo said...


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