Nifty Gangsta

Thursday, August 07, 2008

oooohh shakypants.

well, tosser retaliated, and i'm so scared there's a dark yellow liquid running down my sweatpants.
the words of terror are as follows:
Looky here, whore. I'll make a movie about you and post it on the interwebs.

Your next post had better consist of an essay, retracting all of your previous libel, followed by an in-depth discussion of how incredibly awesome I am.

In order not to receive any further horrible taunts, I submit this for your approval.

Tosser is the greatest. Of course, choosing to be named after the homosexual practice of eatin' ass would appear to make him a puff, but this is rather a clever disguise to show how abundantly tolerant he his of the alternative livin folk. I imagine he's secretly a democrat.

Tosser is masked because I once beat the shit out of him with a branch from a tree in his front yard (make a video of that). Of course, this was simply tosser showing that being passive is the way to gain hearts and minds, not in a drunken, incoherent manner as I displayed.

Tosser is a man of good judgment, high standards, and above all - generosity. What's best is that he chooses to show the exact opposite - because he doesn't want to make us poor folks feel bad.

What a guy.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

it's been a while

but i suppose i'll try to be back for a bit.

i'm depressed today, i planned a beautiful s soliloquy from olaf (the destroyer) on how life has gotten him in the dumps with it's constant need to make money and what not, and now he rarely has the time for bashing animals.

unfortunately i can't remember olaf's login, so scratch that idea.

now herald my return with insults. suggested topics: gayety, tiny genitals (yours or mine), general unpleasantness, assholery, or list your grievances.